I wish to report how a dozen independent DME dealers in District
8, Florida, got together to meet with their congressman. Because of the great
reception they had, I hope that we can see many similar programs to get HR1717 passed.
There are only a few weeks left before the congressmen return to
DC. We cannot allow what happened last year, when we fell short on our efforts
to get the competitive bid legislation eliminated, to happen again. So please contact all your
members and show them what was done in Florida.
These DME dealers got together on their own and went to
Congressman Posey’s local office to speak with his office manager. They
explained how their patients were complaining about a lack of service and their
ability to get their supplies locally. This was as a consequence of the “bid,”
patients were forced to obtain their supplies great distances away in Orlando,
Miami, Jacksonville, and other out-of-state bid “winners." It was chaos, and many chose to go without rather than chase their supplies across the state.
Posey's office manager recognized how this affected their electorate and made
arrangements for Congressman Posey, District 8, to meet with these dealers. The
results were phenomenal. They explained everything from the patient’s point of
view while being very professional and polite. No raised voices of anger, just
Congressman Posey told us that he had already signed on to HR 1717.
Since I had been invited, and attended this meeting, I will tell you that deep respect was there as we
joined forces. So much so, that during the very first week of his summer
holiday, Cong. Posey sponsored another meeting. This time with his Chief of
Staff, Stuart Burns. The members prepared a loose-leaf binder with pages of
pertinent information. They and Congressman Posey have bonded, and you all must
do the same with your district's public officials!
There are some 550 districts in the United States, each with
many DME/HME dealers. They are the troops and you are their captains! Can you
contact the other members in your area and ask them to do the same?
I do not want to contemplate what will happen if we fail to get
the Competitive Bid Legislation replaced. Please give this effort primary
consideration. There are only a few weeks remaining before they return to DC.
Thank you,
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