Friday, September 23, 2011

Dollars and Sense

Dollars – earning them is the reason why you have your company. “… maketh merry: but money anwsereth all things” –Ecclesiastes 10:19.

The need for coin of the realm goes all the way back to the time when history was first recorded. Wars have been fought and people enslaved for financial gain. I want to tell all of our readers that SENSE: plain old “common sense” has to be your source for new sales and profits.

So many successful promotions have been the result of listening to your customers, your vendors, your staff and the HME professional associations. The idea for a “wash and check your wheelchair” day was started by a clerk in a location in Troy, NY. This led to success. Holding “blood pressure or blood glucose test days” are usually done with the cooperation of key vendors. “Demonstrations for EMT squads, police and fire departments” began because an employee in a DME location was an EMT volunteer and asked an oxygen products supplier to work with his company.

All of these are “common sense” and by reviewing where your company excels and where it needs more support will open ideas for many new promotions. Over the years I have attended a great number of state association meetings. Invariably I heard many ideas for developing new sales. You have to be a member to gather all those ideas and support.

When I go through the Medtrade exhibitions , I consider it the same as going to school. Hundreds of vendors, thousands of providers and many speakers each bring with them common sense ideas.

So “common sense” dictates that you become a member of your state association and you join AAHomecare. They lead the fight to protect your business. If we do not let our Senators and Congressmen know our problems they cannot be resolved. “Common sense” dictates that you not miss participating in Medtrade. Bring as many of your key employees as possible.

Dollars and sense work together and each depends on the other.

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