Thursday, April 26, 2012

Be a Joiner!

There are many ways to become better known in your community and in this fashion earn recognition for your company. All of the many groups you can consider joining can be a Rotary, Kiwanis or Lion club,  a school PTA or the library, just to identify some for you. Please become a member of these as an individual, not as your business and when you prove to be a “worker” that then reflects back to your company.

A DME/HME dealer I know in upstate New York founded a boy scout troop with his minister some years ago.  The church had large facility to hold the meetings and many scout activities. The troop grew and they developed a cub pack. Both grew and became well recognized in town.  Without ever mentioning his company his business grew. The community showed their appreciation by shopping at his home care location.

There also are very important business groups like the Chambers of Commerce. These are where you can become more well-known as Home Health Care provider where everyone knows your name.  Here you will find the Home Health Agencies and the Visiting Nurse Associations. You will also find that you will be sitting with executives from the local hospitals, MDs, pharmacists and other professionals. You have to join to know these people on a better level, as equals.

All of the above suggestions are to make your name and the name of your company recognized as an integral part of the community. It works!

But there are other associations, which you must join. You cannot protect your company alone! You need a strong army that will lead the battles with CMS, Medicare, Medicaid and everyone else who is your enemy. I am referring to the state DME and the national associations. Without their support you will not have the where-with-al to join anything. So I also ask that you contribute for your protection by joining! Without your dues they will be unable to maintain their efforts on your behalf. Become a JOINER!

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