Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Shelly Looks Back: Planting a Seed

When I was a Boy Scout (generations ago) I thought it would be a nice idea to grow vegetables. I did. This took place when WW2 started and we developed a “victory garden.” It all began when we planted a seed.

I received a most intriguing report from a DME/HME provider in a small city in the Northeast. After reading one of these blogs, he hired a new salesperson. He liked the idea of contacting the community college in town. They recommended a young lady for what he described as an “entry level job” to home care as a profession.

His competition was a major company, few similar DMEs and pharmacies. Each of them were doing well but none were dominating the market. This new hire was very successful. As a consequence, a large number of new customers were directed to him.

The young lady asked if she could include supplies when she made her calls. They compiled a short list of commonly used products by physicians (adhesive bandages, gauze pads, etc). Sales expanded and so did the list. They added items they normally stocked which included stethoscopes and BP monitors. These sales kept getting larger and led more patients being guided to their location.

Why not do something similar and “cherry pick” what we identify as med-surg supplies. Solicit the EMTs, fire and police departments for new sales, especially if you handle oxygen. Add schools, local business and other places people gather. Small sales can bring many new dollars.

At Medtrade, in a few days you will see a multitude of products your company can very successfully market. Come to Atlanta to seek these opportunities and make the coming year one where your company will expand and increase both sales and profits. Plant a seed and harvest a crop!

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