Tuesday, December 30, 2014

We are Lucky

There are times when we all should sit back, just to relax and think. Between Christmas and New Year's has always been what I call my “re-evaluation” period to see what I have accomplished or where I fell short for the past 12 months.

I always try very hard, going back to 1950 when I graduated from College of Pharmacy, married Thelma, and then we started our career in “health-care” to share only the good things that happened. It had always been "we". Our goal was to share positive things and warn of pitfalls. The most exciting thing we did was working with DME dealers and providers to build the Home Care Dealers Co-op, which is still alive with VGM.

Another happy period was writing Shelly Sez for many years in HomeCare Magazine, and now preparing the Shelly Sounds Off blog for Medtrade. Without Thelma editing all of my writing, very little of this would ever have been seen.

All I can say is that the years went by so quickly, and Thelma and I hope we have had some influence and provided a bit of the “guidance” as we wished we could.

Since we are both in our late 80’s we have made our “plans” for 2015. We look forward with a great deal of excitement to participating again at Medtrade Spring in Las Vegas and then for the Atlanta meeting in the fall.

I can think of nothing that can do as much for every DME/HME dealer than attending both fabulous expositions. One claim to “fame” I am proud of is that I have been to every one to date! Thelma may have missed a few because she kept busy with our children and grandchildren. How about that?

I will continue writing my blog and enjoying reading the many excellent publications of our industry. The HME News and Homecare Magazine are so important, and look at the number of specialty magazines available to the industry. Yes indeed, we are lucky, aren’t we?

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