Thursday, December 15, 2011

Happy Holidays

Every year at this time, I stop to review the happenings of the year. The holiday season is upon us and the excitement and the passion leading to these exciting days are wonderful. The services at your houses of worship, the family dinners, and the exchange of good wishes and presents are unequaled.

Many eons ago I had a meeting with the dean of my college and a minister. From this meeting, I learned a unique and helpful way of approaching the coming year. I have followed their advice from that day forward and it has always proven to be correct.

Simply it is the following:

Find a quiet spot where you can just sit by yourself and review in your mind all the last year’s activities – nothing personal, but all business-oriented. Then, take a pen in hand and write down all of the successful promotions as well of those that did not go so well. Check that every employee has performed their best or the times in which they disappointed you. Study each of your vendors and the cooperation they gave you.

Be honest with yourself. No one else will see or be aware of what you record. Write these all down. You must have the courage to include the “bad” with the “good.” Then set it aside for a day or two.

When you reopen all of your notes, then you can prepare a new business plan for 2012. I have recommended this to many friends and HME associates. I have done this all my life and am very proud of some of my accomplishments. But I am even prouder of reports I have received from my friends who have done the same.

So I wish that the Blessings of the Holidays be shared by all and to all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. AMEN !!!

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