Monday, December 31, 2012

Ring in the New Year! Part 1

Are you ready? Tempus Fugit! If you have made all arrangements for 2013, written a new business plan, and shared all of the scheduled activities with your staff, then you are prepared.

I chatted with two DME/HME principals this morning and if every dealer showed the same enthusiasm I just heard, 2013 will be a superb year.

I have listened to all the negative voices. Each of these comes from people with a loaf of bread under each arm and a pocket filled with money. Yes, they complain. It is time to change one’s attitude from a minus to a plus! Now is when you should be building for your best year. 2013, this New Year, has the voltage to light up every DME/HME operation. But this will be only if you make it happen!

I just read in my local newspaper that the unemployment rate could go down to less than six percent. This will be a major step forward. Every indication is that the efforts being made in Congress will dramatically reduce the national debt. Banks have slowly begun to increase loans to small business and this alone will mean more jobs and better growth.

The two dealers I chatted with today were telling me some of the thoughts they have for the coming year. They each have researched their market and found new opportunities from which they could build. When I listen to principals with this type of confidence in the future, I am aware changes for the better are here.

If you have not done so yet, please prepare your entry into year 2013. What new plans have you created? HAPPY NEW YEAR and 2013 will be the best ever for you!

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