Thursday, November 21, 2013

Customer Service

Customer service is more than just saying “Please” and “Thank you”! It is a reflection of everything your company does. You have to train every member of your staff how to work with your customers, be it in person or on the phone.

You and your employees are under constant scrutiny. Your clientele all carefully review each transaction, every conversation, and every phone call. It is incredibly important that your company develop customer service as its primary objective of achievement. This cannot be purchased. It must be developed!

We have spoken with many providers throughout the country about customer service and it appears that the further a company has developed the fine art of customer service, the more successful that company is.

When we broached this to dealers on the Medtrade floor in Orlando, we recognized what separated the more successful operations from the others. The more successful principals all made it a point to hold regularly scheduled meetings with their employees, including the vehicle drivers and the clean-up people - everyone! The topic of each was Customer Service, and as a consequence, they developed a real team attitude from their employees.

The continued growth of your company depends on you and everyone on your staff!

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