Monday, November 4, 2013


There are only a few days remaining in 2013 to reach your Congressman. It is imperative that you contact your elected representative in Washington before Thanksgiving and Christmas. We failed dismally last year to get the bill to replace the Competitive Bid legislation passed on the floor of congress. 

Certainly AAHomecare, the state DME associations, HMENews, HomeCareMagazine and VGM, worked as hard as they possibly could last year, but we all failed to get the new legislation out to become the law. This year they are working even harder. They are the 20% who try and the other 80% who sit and watch must become active.
Today we have a major challenge! There are only a few weeks remaining to get
out of committee and to Congress to be passed.

As I view this situation it becomes more clear that the 80/20 count seems to dominate. Out of every 100 DME/HME dealers who should be battling with every bit of strength they have, only 20 are truly fighting. The other 80 must get up and speak up to get HR 1717 passed.

This is directed to those 80 dealers who are sitting back and waiting. Become active STAT. Don’t wait until you are driven out of business. Get on the phone and call your Congressman ASAP. Speak to the local office manager. Leave a message for the HLA and to the team in DC.  We must work hard to pass this legislation.

It is vital that every Medicare or Medicaid recipient and senior citizen is able shop where they wish. As the balance of the country is added to participate under the Competitive Legislation, it will be too late.

Need I say more?

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