Thursday, April 17, 2014

A Redundancy

I know that I have a tendency to repeat myself very often. I do this because I want to be sure my messages are received and hopefully they will enable you to respond.

I have been preaching how important it is during these very threatening days for our industry to work together. No one can stand-alone! So, once again, I ask that every HME/DME dealer become a member of the organizations that guide our industry. As a team we will bring about passage of the Marketing Pricing Program (HR 1717) which is still sitting in committee where it doesn’t benefit anyone!

As the principal of your DME/HME company, open the Yellow Pages of the local telephone company directory. Write the numbers of each DME/HME location listed; include the ones you know as well as all the others.

Please call each of them on the phone. Do not be bashful; you have to protect your company, and so do they! I assure you they will be delighted to hear from you.

If you are a member of AAHomecare and your state DME association, ask them to provide you with all the tools you need to solicit new members. If you are not currently a member; become one STAT. As a member, simply tell them you plan to stay in business and also want them to stay in business.

I have been in this industry for more than 60 years, and have always supported the organizations that make dealers more formidable. I have seen how hard the organizations work together to get legislations passed. The efforts of AAH and the state associations has made DME/HME into a major profession.

But today, right now, it is sink or swim time! Please make this attempt to protect your business, your family, your employees and all your clientele. Do not allow all your efforts and hard work to go to waste.
Our industry needs you and you need our industry. Why not work together?

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