There is so much going on that I would like to share. Here is a potpourri of it to review:
I received a very nice report from Mike Hamilton. The ADMEA convention held at the beach was well attended. The attendees heard from experts like Miriam Lieber, Eric Kline, Alexandra Bennewith, Ty Bellow, Wayne Grau, Peggy Walker, Kelly Riley and Jodie Stogner. Wow !!!
This is why I have asked each member of every state association to solicit another. It is fantastic to have the opportunity to hear speakers of that caliber who bring with them so much good advice. Please recognize how important it is to support your associations.
Is your company up-to-date for your revalidation requirements? If you had revalidated prior to 3/5/2011 you only have 60 days. Tempus fugit.
Good reading: Professor M.K. Sparrow (Harvard Kennedy School) researched and published “License to Steal: How Fraud Bleeds America’s Health Care System.” I wonder how many of our elected Senators and Representatives have taken the time to read this? Next time you communicate with any of your legislators please recommend that as “good reading.”
Another reminder! At Medtrade in Atlanta you will find all the opportunities and ideas to continue to expand and increase profits. The exhibitors are all preparing for you.
This year it is more important than ever to get there early. Bring as many staff as you can to attend the multitude of lectures. A provider told me he always comes with several members of his team. Their task is to take notes and then make a presentation to the company. The enthusiasm they return with and how they convert the talk they heard has more than paid off.
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