Monday, August 19, 2013

Medtrade in Orlando

Orlando is probably the most popular place in the United States to hold a convention. Invariably they have the largest number of attendees and the finest exhibitors participate. This fall (October 8 to 10), with so much at stake, I anticipate the best Medtrade ever!

My wife and I only live about 65 miles from the Orange County Convention Center. We are so excited as we look forward to seeing many friends and walking the exhibition floor.

I have seen the preliminary list of speakers, and holy Toledo, the rooms will be filled to capacity! I have looked at the names of exhibitors, spoken with many, and they are all coming prepared to help you find new opportunities to greatly expand your company.

I have already studied the potential opening talks and special programs where we can learn how things stand with HR1717, and all the potential swords of Damocles hanging over our heads. If ever it was vital to attend Medtrade, this is the year.

Please watch for the MedtradeMonday reports in your email and on Medtrade's Twitter and Facebook accounts so that you can plan now “who, what, when and how” you will do there. Also, try to bring as many staff members as is practical, since no one person will be able to gather all the material and information that will be available at Medtrade Fall in Orlando.

If you have yet to register for Medtrade, please use the promotional code MTShelly to get a Free Expo Pass.

See you there!

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