Monday, November 24, 2014

Congratulations - One of Our Own Elected to Office

It takes a great deal of courage to even think about running for a political office these days. Politics is very different from operating a business, especially a DME/HME location. This is another full time job
One dealer has taken a giant step to both protect his company and his community in Carroll, Iowa. I am proud to announce that one of us has accomplished that step. He decided that he could be the voice of his community as well as that of our profession. He chose to compete for office!
Representative Brian Best
Iowa House District 12
I am telling you about Mr. BRIAN BEST! As seen in last week's installment of Medtrade Monday, he is the principal of BestMED Respiratory, and his company is well-recognized in the community for all the wonderful things they have already accomplished.
Brian threw his hat in the ring and successfully competed against a two term incumbent. He is now Representative Brian Best, Iowa House District 12. He made it happen.
Brian is an active member of MAMES, the Midwest Association for Medical Equipment Services. His company also belongs to AAHomecare. He and his wife, Sharon, began their career in DME/HME in 2001 when they opened BestMED Respiratory. Four years later, in 2005, they developed a sleep-testing facility, Western Iowa Sleep.
I am looking forward to meeting Brian, hopefully in Las Vegas, at Medtrade Spring. If he is able to attend, Thelma and I will all have the pleasure of seeing and meeting one fantastic young man!

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