Monday, July 7, 2014

"Put up or shut up!"

I was listening to two kids (12 or 13 years old) who were having an argument. I knew not what they were discussing, but I almost fell down when one of them shouted to the other, “Put up or shut up!”

The last time I heard that expression used was probably when I was still in high school. But strangely enough, I got a message. The situation our industry is facing is one where every DME/HME provider or dealer has to make a very important decision.

Is this simple phrase the answer?

AAHomecare is leading the fight to eliminate the current reimbursement schedules that are used by Medicare. For the past few years, through much hard work and effort, our industry was able to get a bill prepared to be introduced in the House of Representatives. In order to be passed, this must come out of committee and then be voted upon; but it was not followed up!

In the last two years, despite all the work of AAHomecare and the State DME associations, we have failed in our efforts each year. Disaster! There is too much at stake for this not to have been passed. This is the third year that we are doing everything possible to get a “bill” out onto the floor of Congress, in hopes of putting an end to the “competitive" bid legislation which has failed and not accomplished anything positive!

The problem is that we are not getting the support of every DME/HME provider. The same ones, who belong to the associations, are joined in the battle. But there are too many dealers saying, “I can’t afford to send my money.” So they will suffer, many will close their doors, and all of the patients who depend on them will be without help.

When EVERY dealer or provider will get on board and mail a check to AAHomecare (they are leading this fight), our industry will survive. Please send as much as you can afford to protect your company, your family and your clientele!

"Put up or shut up!" I would like to hear that every DME/HME provider will remain solvent. I want to see all of you at Medtrade in October. I want to see the biggest crowd that ever attended. They have the space to accommodate everyone. I have been informed that this Fall at Medtrade, there will be many new vendors, many exciting and different products, and all the old reliable friends will be there waiting for you. Not only that, Thelma and I will be there.

Mail your checks to:

American Association for Homecare
1707 L Street NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20036


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