Friday, March 20, 2015

Plan Ahead

What does the future hold for you?

Do you run your company on a daily basis or do you plan ahead? With the economy changing almost daily and some negative legislation hanging over our heads, it becomes very important to “plan ahead”.

Each DME/HME dealer has many ideas that could increase sales and profits. But do they put them to work? This problem is universal and I hear it from many dealers at the Medtrade Exhibitions. But nothing seems to happen! Far too often these wonderful ideas are not put to work. There invariably is always something more pressing and unfortunately these plans are never accomplished.

When you do plan ahead, you will experience many successes! This will also encourage your staff to share their thoughts with you. Often these are very good ideas.

An old friend of ours, dating back to when Thelma and I lived in Saint Louis, told me how he keeps track of ideas and how he puts them to work. He took a small book out of his pocket and on every page thoughts were recorded. He said this was his most valuable asset and guide. This was impressive!

By keeping track of his ideas, as well as those suggested by his staff, he has built a very profitable company. I was pleased to see that. The following are his words: “We work as a team!”
Every employee has ideas for improving what they do. When these are discussed he allows them to go forward. When giving the responsibility to do what they suggested and rewarding their success, the company grew quickly.

The many ideas for planning ahead that will come from your employees often are superb. When you encourage your staff to share ideas with you, you are the winner.

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